Book Tour & Review: How To Lose A Highlander by Michelle McLean

How to Lose a Highlander
The MacGregor Lairds #1
By: Michelle McLean
Releasing May 15, 2017
Entangled Scandalous
Link to Follow Tour: Tasty Book Tours


Forced into marriage by their king in order to stop years of inter-clan feuding, Sorcha Campbell and Malcolm MacGregor are each determined to drive the other away.
Malcolm knows he can never trust his new shrewish wife, despite the fact that everything he observes seems to prove that she’s not only trustworthy, but utterly perfect for him.
Sorcha knows she can never let her guard down around the man she believes betrayed her father, yet the longer she’s with him, the more she discovers he is nothing like she was led to believe.
They’ll have to fight their way through past prejudices and their own determination to destroy their union in order to gain their perfect HEA in this Taming of the Shrew meets How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days tale.

Buy Links: AMAZON | B & N | ITUNES | KOBO

Malcolm has had enough of the reckless Campbell’s stealing his property and terrifying his tenants. Adamant that the attacks are not provoked by him or his people, he goes to a masquerade ball to speak with the King. Sorcha has had more than her share of admirers, but she would not settle for just anyone. And she wouldn’t dream of marrying a McGregor, whose been their rival clam since her birth. When the two encounter each other without knowing each other’s identity, things get even more interesting.

In order to settle the feud, the king demands them to wed. Neither wants to lose their head (literally) by refusing, so they each – separately- come up with a plan. To get the other one to request annulment, blaming the spouse for the dissolution of the marriage.

I understood Sorcha’s plan and ambition to carry it out; but the fact is, after a while she came across as just plain childish. She worked my nerves as much as she did Malcolm’s, to the point that I almost closed the book. However, I’m glad I didn’t. One paragraph reminded me of why I initially liked her, and my tolerance level increased.

I love me a Scot, and Malcolm is no exception. His jovial, but alpha personality had me hooked. He was a saint when it came to dealing with Sorcha, but he didn’t let her run all over him. Once they reached his home, things improved greatly. The staff had my attention, and Sorcha gained even more favor. I enjoyed the comradery between Malcolm and John. There’s a bit of suspense. I was sure at had some things figured out; and when I realized all wasn’t what it seemed, I couldn’t help but to smile. I love me some twists. Kudos to McLean.

Despite my temporary eye-rolling-ready-to-put-the-book-down moment, I really enjoyed this story. I recommend it.

Rating system: Cups of Coffee (the less the better)

0: You won’t need any coffee to stay up for this one. It’s intriguing enough all on its own.
1: You’ll stay up late, but not all night. Brew one cup.
2: You’ll read as long as you’re not tired. If you are, two cups should do the trick.
3: I hope you got plenty of rest; you’ll need it, or at least 3 cups.
4: If the cable goes out, read the book. It’s better than nothing, I guess. Oh, don’t forget your brew!
5: Find anything else to do- it doesn’t matter what it is. Don’t waste your coffee. Too much caffeine is bad for you.

My rating: 1 cup of coffee

Author Info

Michelle McLean is a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl who is addicted to chocolate and Goldfish crackers and spent most of her formative years with her nose in a book. She has a B.S. in History, a M.A. in English, loves history and romance and enjoys spending her time combining the two in her novels.
When Michelle’s not editing, reading or chasing her kids around, she can usually be found in a quiet corner working on her next book. She resides in PA with her husband and two children, an insanely hyper dog, and three very spoiled cats.


“Hmm, and in the meantime, ye’ve been sleeping in my bed.”
He’d backed her up against one of the four posters of the bed and she bumped against it with a little squeak. Instead of pushing him away, though, she raised her impertinent little nose in the air.
“Yes. But now that you are home I shall make other arrangements. I’m certain a pallet on the floor somewhere will suffice.”
“Och, no. We canna have the lady of the castle sleeping on a lowly pallet. There is more than enough room for us both in my bed.”
She smiled up at him. Her sweet smile momentarily caught him off guard. Her gaze dropped to his lips and lingered before slowly traveling back to meet his own and the heat in those eyes hit him like a fist to the chest.
“Oh, I have no intention of sleeping on a pallet, my lord.”
She rose up on tip toe and trailed one finger along his jaw line.
Sorcha shook her head and bit her lip and most of the blood in his body rushed south. She looked up at him through a thick fringe of lashes, her sparkling blue eyes staring deep into his. A quick, gasping breath had her breasts straining against the laces of her dress. She placed her hands on his chest…and pushed him as hard as she could, her foot lashing out to connect sharply with his leg. He stumbled backward and she escaped, storming toward the door.
“The pallet is for you!” she called over her shoulder. “I’ll send up some water. I have no desire to share a bedchamber with a man who reeks of horse and sweat.”
Malcolm hopped back until he collided with the bed and sat down heavily. The door to the outer chamber slammed and he started laughing. Finally, he lay back and flung his arm over his face.
“What am I going to do wi’ that woman?” he said.

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