Alien Plague by Chris Koehler

Alien Plague

by Chris Koehler


GENRE: Science Fiction



Dr Avery Hutton lives in good times. All of humanity now lives under the Global republic, a democratic government that works hard to protect the rights of their citizens, expand orbital infrastructure and explore space. The last of which is helped by the relatively new Warp Drive, allowing probes to travel to and from the nearest stars over the course of a few years.

This is part of Avery’s job, helping organize the missions form the ground, his specialty being the analysis of microorganism form other star systems. But this most recent mission will change everything. For while every return mission previously had gone well, and few issues were observed, this time one of the returning samples is a bit… nastier than any previous sample. This time something has returned that could wipe out all life on Earth.



“It can’t be that dangerous,” said Anna. “Diseases were something that killed our ancestors, not something we deal with today.”

Dr. Foster sighed, “If we could fight it, we could have saved Nicole. Don’t you think we would have done that if we could?”

“Are you saying you’re incompetent?”

“No, I‘m saying that these pathogens can’t be dealt with by modern medicine, and we have no more ways of stopping a Beta Strain infection today, than we did when Nicole got infected.”

But I felt like a dead man in here, like this was my tomb, where I had been taken to die. That if I did not escape, I would die. I knew that was not true, that if I escaped I would either die or live with my location not mattering at all… How did Elia, the man who died on me, and so many of the others keep so calm? How did they face death so well? I wish I could be half as calm as they were… I think I understood the people who rioted… #$%$ this sucks.


Writers support groups

            If you are an aspiring author, I recommend joining a writer’s support group. If that is enough info for you, then go now. If you want to know why I recommend it keep reading.

            First off, my first novella began in 2016, but I didn’t publish it until this year, 2022. The reason why was because I was nervous, to a degree I still am. I didn’t know what I was doing, nor did I know how to find out what I needed to do. One recommendation I had heard was to join a writer’s support group. So I did.

            I joined in 2021, I had largely sat on Alien Plague for years, then before the year was over, I had committed to publishing, and in early 2022 I did it. The reason why was because the members of my group lit a fire under me to actually get that done.

            However, it was more than just peer pressure, they also helped with final edits. Made recommendations when I asked for them, and all around have been helpful. This is because while I had never done this before, they had. They knew what needed to be done, and how to do it. A writer’s support group is several writers working together for each other. We offer help to those who need it, from those who know. When I need to, I can borrow their expertise.

            The price of this is that I have to read and comment on their work when they are developing it. Not too horrible, and they will do it for me as well when the time is right. That is how we function, we borrow each other perspectives and viewpoints. Provide help when we can and ask for help when we need it. We help each other in our own small ways.

            If you are an aspiring author, I implore you to get yourself an author support group. They are wonderful things. Even if you have not committed a single thought to page, they will know how to get you started. If you help them, they will help you, and make sure that you get it done, even if they have to hound you to actually do something.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

I am a new author and this is my first book. I started working on this story around 2016 and have been refining it ever since.

I first got interested in writing years ago, I took part in a junior writing fare, and wrote as a volunteer from a teenage perspective at a local newspaper. My parents loved Science Fiction and Fantasy and passed on that love to me.

While this is my first book, I hope it’s not my last, I hope you enjoy it!

Book available here:

You can find my Facebook here



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