Tag: Contemporary Romance

Blitz: Played by Cara Dee

PlayedCara Dee(Auctioned, #4)Publication date: July 15th 2021Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense The Auctioned Series is a journey packed with action, nail-biting suspense, family, and love. In Gray and Darius’s fight for freedom and a future where they aren’t haunted by the ghosts of their pasts,

New Release: No More Secrets by Cate Beauman

NO MORE SECRETS The Carter Island Trilogy, Book 3 RELEASE DATE: June 22, 2021 BLURB: Three Siblings. One Year. Everything Changes. Aussie billionaire businessman and pilot Cade Paxton has struggled to put his life back together after suffering a tragic loss. With his purchase

Guest post by romance author Lori Matthews

People ask me where I come up with my story ideas and my characters. The answer is I have no idea. Truly. They just come to me, and I am forever grateful! Justified Misfortune, the first book in my Justified series (part of the