Gold Dust Editing & Book Promotions will soon be offering coaching for those wanting to assist authors in polishing their manuscripts. Developmental editors look at the big picture, whereas line editors took a closer, line-by-line look. The sessions cover the basic knowledge every developmental editor will need to know, including how to:
For developmental editing:
- increase your knowledge of the fiction writing
- how to give guidance to others
- how to identify and understand big picture developmental items
- leave appropriate, useful comments in the manuscript
- create a DE checklist
- write a detailed, constructive critique
- write an editorial letter, including ways to improve.
- plot and character development
- structure, pace, flow, and transitions
- respecting the author’s voice
- writing a query
For line editing:
- tightening up sentences to make them clearer and more concise
- removing overused jargon and cliché
- listening to dialogue and making it unique to each character
- be attentive to the writer’s individual style without overriding it
- evaluating how word choice and syntax affects the tone of the story
- improving overall readability
Be sure to check back soon