Book Tour & Review: The Earl’s Complete Surrender by Sophie Barnes


Secrets at Thorncliff Manor #2
By: Sophie Barnes
Releasing December 29, 2015


An unexpected passion ignites as secrets are exposed in Sophie Barnes’s captivating Regency-set romance Despite the diversions offered at Thorncliff Manor, former spy James, the Earl of Woodford, has one purpose in staying there. He must find an encoded book that exposes a conspiracy within the British aristocracy. And he must do so without revealing his purpose to the clever, tempting Chloe Heartly. The lady has a knack for appearing wherever it is least convenient. In the library. In the salon. And, especially, in his arms…

Somewhere within Thorncliff’s labyrinth of rooms lies the journal Chloe desperately seeks. When she realizes the brooding, handsome earl is hunting the same quarry, Chloe enters into an uneasy partnership. But in the face of public danger and enemies hiding in plain sight, both must decide how much they’re willing to risk to solve the mysteries of the heart.


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Sex, lies, corruption…and love – what a scandalously naughty time-taker!

James, The Earl of Woodford has his secrets, but doesn’t everyone? Oh, but his are just a taste more juicy. He’s a spy. A sexy, brave, unapproachable spy. It’s obvious – to him, nonetheless- why he limits his socializing. Not only could befriending him result in a person’s early demise, but he just doesn’t like mundane chit-chat, which his all he seems to get from those who surround him. That is, until he meets Chloe. They share many interests, and she’s one hell of a conversationalist. Although reluctant to admit it at first, he actually looks forward to their chance meetings. When they discover they’re searching for the same book, they join forces, resulting in more alone time than they both can appropriately handle. As their search becomes a chase to hold on to their findings, as well as their lives, they realize that their strengthening connection to each other is not the only thing to fear.

James and Chloe’s relationship unfolded with ease. There was no pressure, no trickery, no need for them to join. Nobody was forcing either or them to get married, although their friends/family did attempt to encourage the widow Chloe to seek out love. Their hassle-free joining did have it’s potential obstacles from others who were interested in both parties, but I appreciated that there was no need for a marriage of convenience, as often found in historicals.

This espionage-packed tale is a definite attention-grabber. The story is full of danger and shameless – yet scene-stealing – characters. I didn’t know what to make of Scarsdale. He was one obscene individual, but I did unexpectedly gain some sympathy for him later on. The situation with Lady Dewfield was rather…interesting. A slightly irregular piece of the puzzle.

The suspense was very engrossing, and I was very satisfied with the revealing. The pace toggled between fast and steady – all at the right moments, and the flow was devoid of speedbumps. Kudos to Barnes! I’m looking forward to reading more of her work.

Rating system: Cups of coffee – the less the better

0: You won’t need any coffee to stay up for this one. It’s intriguing enough all on its own.
1: You’ll stay up late, but not all night. Brew one cup.
2: You’ll read as long as you’re not tired. If you are, two cups should do the trick.
3: I hope you got plenty of rest; you’ll need it, or at least 3 cups.
4: If the cable goes out, read the book. It’s better than nothing, I guess. Oh, don’t forget your brew!
5: Find anything else to do- it doesn’t matter what it is. Don’t waste your coffee. Too much caffeine is bad for you.

My rating: 1/2 cup of coffee


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Author Info

Born in Denmark, Sophie Barnes spent her youth traveling with her parents to wonderful places all around the world. She’s lived in five different countries, on three different continents, and speaks Danish, English, French, Spanish and Romanian. She has studied design in Paris and New York and has a bachelor’s degree from Parsons. But, most impressive of all, she’s been married to the same man three times—in three different countries and in three different dresses.

While living in Africa, Sophie turned to her lifelong passion: writing. When she’s not busy dreaming up her next romance novel, Sophie enjoys spending time with her family, swimming, cooking, gardening, watching romantic comedies and, of course, reading.

She currently lives on the East Coast.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads







Chloe shielded her eyes from the sun with her hand and saw a carriage approaching. It bore no

crest and was drawn by four magnificent black horses, their tails whipping the air as they

plodded along in perfect unison. “I wonder who it can be.”

“Someone important, I’d imagine,” Fiona said. “See those markings on the wheels? That’s a

Robertson carriage—one of the most expensive there is.”

Stepping aside, they watched as the carriage rolled past them, allowing a brief glimpse of the

two men within. One was older and appeared to be extremely well groomed and stylish while

the other . . . Chloe’s heart took flight, skipping along as she met his dark and brooding gaze.

He was a young man in his prime, with unfashionably long hair falling across his brow and

temple where it blended with the shadow darkening the edge of his jaw. Politely, he dipped his

head in greeting as the carriage continued along the road, but his mouth was uninclined to

hazard a smile and his eyes remained sober.

Chloe watched as the carriage disappeared around a bend up ahead. A breeze licked between

her shoulder blades and she realized that she’d allowed her shawl to slip. Repositioning it, she

pulled it tight against the breeze and recommenced walking.

“Who was that?” Fiona asked almost immediately. “Did you recognize either of them?”

“One of them—the older gentleman, that is—is the Marquess of Hainsworth. I had the pleasure

of sitting next to him a few years ago when Newbury and I were invited to visit the Duke and

Duchess of Pinehurst for dinner. He was most agreeable—both interesting and amusing.” She

frowned at the recollection. Newbury had thought her too welcoming of Hainsworth’s company.

He’d glared at her continuously from across the table.

“What about the other gentleman?” Fiona asked, forcing Chloe back to the present. “Might he

be Hainsworth’s son?”

“No. Hainsworth has no children.” Slanting a look in her sister’s direction, Chloe nudged her

gently with her shoulder. “I hope you’re not contemplating your prospects already, Fiona. With

our other sisters still unwed you’re not in any hurry to—”

“Don’t be silly,” Fiona said as she nudged Chloe back, making her stumble. “I am not

contemplating marriage or anything that might lead to it.”

“I’m relieved to hear that,” Chloe told her. “It’s terribly important for you take your time with such

a . . . permanent decision.”

“I know,” Fiona murmured, her brow creasing in a frown that looked misplaced upon her

otherwise smooth forehead. As if discomforted by it, Fiona suddenly smiled, erasing all traces of

any concern. “But I am curious, you know. I always have been.”

Chloe allowed a faint smile. “Well, in this instance I’m sure that your questions will likely be

answered. As soon as we return to Thorncliff you may inquire about Hainsworth’s companion

from the butler.”

Fiona’s eyes glowed like a pair of pearls caught in a ray of sunshine. “Then let’s return quickly

so that this mystery may be solved.” Her steps quickened, forcing Chloe to hurry after her.

“Honestly, Fiona, I don’t understand the urgency. He’s either going to be a peer or gentry,

neither of which is likely to be of interest to you since you’re not in the market for a husband.”

“If it makes any sense, I simply cannot stand the not knowing.”


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