Book Tour & Review: Sing Your Heart Out by Crystal Kaswell

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Good girls don’t date rockstars.

They certainly don’t take rock stars as fuck buddies.

Still a virgin at 21, Meg Smart walks a straight and narrow path. She aces her classes, excels at her part time job, and carefully avoids the black hole that is mourning her sister. There’s no room in her life for trouble–no drinks, no drugs, and especially no boyfriends.

Fine with Miles.

Rock star Miles Webb doesn’t do boyfriend. He doesn’t do intimacy, or love, or anything that isn’t effortless and casual. The only time the singer reveals himself is on stage. His gorgeous, tortured voice hints at the kind of unspeakable pain Meg understands all too well. Only the second he steps off stage he transforms into a cocky, know-it-all player.

Their chemistry is red-hot. He’s tattooed, tall, and totally irresistible. She can’t handle a one-night stand, and a relationship is totally out of the question.

That only leaves one option:

Friends with benefits.

Just sex. Just fun.

No secrets, no feelings, no falling in love.

Only neither one of them can quite abide by the terms.




Kaswell’s unique premise had me ready to read. Cute is not the word to describe the meet, and interesting doesn’t do it justice either. All I can say is I swiped my kindle screen with the enthusiasm of scratching a lottery ticket when I’m feeling lucky, the whole time thinking, “How the hell is this going to play out?” The question a gaze of my excitement.

I found Miles’s nonchalant, smoother than stainless steel attitude a total turn-on, despite the demons lurking around. Of course everyone knows what “they” say about rock stars and their penchant for groupies, and anyone else willing to slide between the sheets, or on any other fuck-friendly surface, but oh what fun to read about Miles. Meg was interesting, for lack of a better word. She wasted no time giving away the virginity she’d held on to for 21 years, but I guess when propositioned by not just any rock star, but the one who’s voice has you picking out names for the kids, what girl wouldn’t give it enough consideration to finally give in? Not that it took a whole lot of convincing. And, oh what a sex addict she became after that first orgasm.

There’s enough sex in the book to make a grandmother don 10 rosaries and do 20 hail Mary’s while sacrificing a lamb. I have no objection to that, other than the fact that it took away from the emotional connection I so wished for. There was conversation of a non-sexually related variety, but the time given to them paled in comparison to the time giving to the sex scenes.

It was rather bothersome to me that although Miles said from the beginning- in so many words- that he didn’t want an emotional connection, just sex – he was always the one pushing for more information. I expected him to EVENTUALLY change his mind and to gradually start seeking out more from the relationship, but his actions were a direct contradiction of his words right from the beginning, which left no room for emotional development.

Feeling freaky? Grab a copy. Not feeling freaky? Grab a copy. It’s a sexy-fun read. Oh, and I love the band members.

Rating system: Cups of coffee – the less the better

0: You won’t need any coffee to stay up for this one. It’s intriguing enough all on its own.
1: You’ll stay up late, but not all night. Brew one cup.
2: You’ll read as long as you’re not tired. If you are, two cups should do the trick.
3: I hope you got plenty of rest; you’ll need it, or at least 3 cups.
4: If the cable goes out, read the book. It’s better than nothing, I guess. Oh, don’t forget your brew!
5: Find anything else to do- it doesn’t matter what it is. Don’t waste your coffee. Too much caffeine is bad for you.

My rating: 2 cups of coffee

About the Author:



Crystal Kaswell writes steamy new adult and erotic romance books. She loves when flawed characters fall head over heels for each other. Especially if they fall into bed first. She loves police procedurals, tea, and The Hunger Games series. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband.

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