Book Tour & Review: Happy Ever After in Christmas by Debbie Mason


Happy Ever After in Christmas
Christmas, Colorado #7
By: Debbie Mason
Releasing June 28, 2016

Links to Follow Tour: Tasty Book Tours | Goodreads | Goodreads series



It’s beginning to look a lot like love . . .

As her thirtieth birthday approaches, Deputy Jill Flaherty decides it’s time to live a little. When she walks into Sawyer Anderson’s bar in her sexiest dress, she’s not thinking that he’s her brother’s best friend or about the many women he dated during his years as a pro hockey player. All she’s thinking is that it’s finally time to confess to her longtime crush how she truly feels.

Sawyer is done being a player on and off the ice. Yet no one in the small town of Christmas seems to believe he’s ready to settle down, not Jill, and certainly not Jack, who is determined to keep Sawyer from breaking his little sister’s heart. But as Sawyer and Jill’s relationship heats up, can he prove that he’s her happy ever after?


Jill Flaherty is on a mission – well actually, a couple. Number one she wants to be sheriff; and number one again, she wants Sawyer. She’s loved him most of her life, but seeing that he’s her protective big brother’s best friend- not to mention he thinks of her as a little sister- getting into a relationship with him can be a little tricky – or a lot messy.

Sawyer almost ruined his relationship with Jack, Jill’s brother, once and he has no intention of doing it again. Not even when he starts to notice…really notice…Jill. When he discovers her feelings for him, he tries his best to ward her off without ruining their friendship. But sometimes the heart wants what the mind rejects; and when those two organs get into battle, well every true romance reader knows who’ll be the victor. The only question is how will the war unfold.

Jill is definitely an alpha female. She takes a no-holds-barred approach to life, and she has no problem speaking her mind – until it comes to the sexy, known-to-be-a-player Sawyer. Almost every available female (and probably some not available) in Christmas wants him, and to keep up the facade, he pretends to enjoy the attention. When Jill decides to accept there can never be anything more than friendship between them, she starts dating. This does not sit well with Sawyer, and finally his resistance snaps. The only thing left —deal with Jack.

I was pleased to revisit Christmas, and I was definitely happy to catch up with Ty. He’s one of my absolute favorite characters ever. A little hint of mystery, and moment of breath-holding, and some action are always a must in this small-town, and the loyalty and dedication of the residents are definitely heart-warming. The pace is steady, and the story flows nicely. I must admit, the north winds did veer south for a moment with Jill’s plain-old-wrong behavior, but eventually the winds back-shifted, and I was happy again.

Rating system: Cups of Coffee (the less the better)

0: You won’t need any coffee to stay up for this one. It’s intriguing enough all on its own.
1: You’ll stay up late, but not all night. Brew one cup.
2: You’ll read as long as you’re not tired. If you are, two cups should do the trick.
3: I hope you got plenty of rest; you’ll need it, or at least 3 cups.
4: If the cable goes out, read the book. It’s better than nothing, I guess. Oh, don’t forget your brew!
5: Find anything else to do- it doesn’t matter what it is. Don’t waste your coffee. Too much caffeine is bad for you.

My rating: 1 cup of coffee

Buy Links: Amazon | B & N | Google Play | iTunes | Kobo

DebbieAuthor Info
Debbie Mason is USA Today bestselling author of the Christmas, Colorado series. Her books have been praised for their “likable characters, clever dialogue and juicy plots” (RT Book Reviews). She also writes historical paranormals as Debbie Mazzuca. Her MacLeod series has received several nominations for best paranormal as well as a Holt Medallion Award of Merit. When she isn’t writing or reading, Debbie enjoys spending time with her very own real-life hero, their four wonderful children, an adorable grandbaby, and a yappy Yorkie named Bella.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

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