Book Review: Seduce by Jennifer Snyder



Life isn’t so bad for succubus, Kenna Blake. True, she seems to be the only succubus with a conscience and a specific strategy for finding her male meals, but she has a cute new apartment, a budding graphic design business, and the most unique friends she’s ever had.

Her personal love life, however, is non-existent.

Until the legendary vampire Randal Vincent sweeps into her life. Even though he isn’t someone she set out to date, at least she can kiss him without killing him. But when you’re dating someone who’s the inspiration for Dracula, there are bound to be a few hiccups along the way…

Unfortunately, I was not at all Seduced by this snail-paced paranormal. I only made it through four chapters – all the while hoping it got better. There was a lot of pointing out what kind of paranormal being just about every character was, no matter how minute their role, but there’s a grave omission of explaining why they’re all gathered in the same restaurant. I kept trying to figure out the time period (near future, distant future), the plot, and what was going to lead up to the climax. Kenna had an awakening of some sort – which lead me to believe she wasn’t born a succubus- not understanding why the author didn’t just come out and say. The whole first 4 chapters are about her waiting on her blind date, being hit on by a less-than-attractive man, being rude to her date once he finally showed up, and eavesdropping on the gorgeous vampire and his fiery red-headed quickly-came-to-be ex. The dialogue was not entertaining – lots of laughing, but nothing funny, and too much mentioning of tertiary (not even quite that high up) characters. After 4 chapters, and still not understanding where the story was headed, I finally put it down.

But hey, maybe it was just me. Read at your own risk.

Rating system: Cups of coffee – the less the better

0: You won’t need any coffee to stay up for this one. It’s intriguing enough all on its own.
1: You’ll stay up late, but not all night. Brew one cup.
2: You’ll read as long as you’re not tired. If you are, two cups should do the trick.
3: I hope you got plenty of rest; you’ll need it, or at least 3 cups.
4: If the cable goes out, read the book. It’s better than nothing, I guess. Oh, don’t forget your brew!
5: Find anything else to do- it doesn’t matter what it is. Don’t waste your coffee. Too much caffeine is bad for you.

My rating: 5 cups of coffee

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