Book Review: I Kissed a Rogue by Shana Galen


ISBN-10: 1402298773
ISBN-13: 978-1402298776
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca (March 1, 2016)


I fell in love with the Covent Garden series when I read about Marlowe and Dane (Earls Just Want to Have Fun). I somehow missed Gideon and Susanna’s story, but believe you, me, I plan to read it. Finding true love for what I’d like to call “shady” individuals, and then making the readers fall in love with the characters and root for them is no easy fete. Kudos to Galen. I remember Brook from Earls and I was so excited to see that his story was available for review. He was a low-key tough guy and I really wanted to read about who would capture his heart.

I had no idea his woman would be someone who had once been a bad-girl herself – not the same kind of bad as Marlowe had been, but nonetheless she needed a spanking (and I don’t mean the good kind) in her early years. At first I didn’t like Lila. I felt Brook deserved better, and so did he, which was why he was having trouble dealing with her. Of course, he didn’t want her dead – he didn’t hate her that much, but he would’ve preferred to never have seen her again, let alone have to rend his services. And then to think he had to marry her – what stomach-churning, head-pounding misery.

But as a lot of folks do, she’d grown up. Although it was obvious she still couldn’t fathom not having the finer things in life, she quickly adapter to their situation, trying to make the best of it. Brook warmed to her charms, although reluctant at first. She’d made a fool of him once, he wasn’t about to let it happen again.

I enjoyed watching their story unfold. I somehow got disconnected for a minute, and so I wasn’t completely satisfied when Lila discovered that, despite his protests, she was in love with Brook. It wasn’t because he didn’t deserve her love, it was because I hadn’t completely decided she deserved his. How magnanimous of me, I know; but there you have it.

As the story progressed, the more I liked Lila, and wanted Brook to forgive her. The action at the end was vividly described, and although I wasn’t completely surprised at finding out who the mastermind was, I wasn’t disappointed by the revalation.

All in all, I was glad I read Brook and Lila’s story, and I still plan to read about Gideon and Susanna (The Rogue You Know).

0: You won’t need any coffee to stay up for this one. It’s intriguing enough all on its own.
1: You’ll stay up late, but not all night. Brew one cup.
2: You’ll read as long as you’re not tired. If you are, two cups should do the trick.
3: I hope you got plenty of rest; you’ll need it, or at least 3 cups.
4: If the cable goes out, read the book. It’s better than nothing, I guess. Oh, don’t forget your brew!
5: Find anything else to do- it doesn’t matter what it is. Don’t waste your coffee. Too much caffeine is bad for you.

My rating: 1 cup of coffee

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