Book Review: Chasing the Heiress by Rachael Miles


ISBN-10: 1420140884
ISBN-13: 978-1420140880
Publisher: Zebra Shout (May 31, 2016
Review (spoiler alert):

Ok I really was intrigued from the beginning. I found the premise really unique, and I found Colin to charming for anybody’s own good (definitely a compliment). I liked that Lucie (Arabella) wasn’t uptight and was more than willing to take chances and live a little. She was a refreshing characters and nothing like I expected. The two of them together was a sweet treat, and I delighted in their exchanges.

The north winds shifted a little south for me with the whole Asylum thing. Not that it wasn’t a good idea or integral to the plot, I just grew tired of it after awhile. I found no reason to devote so many pages to it. I think the point could’ve been made a lot quicker, without losing anything to the story. But once that part was over, the winds shifted back north again, and all was well…briefly.

Another slight change in the weather was Colin’s reaction to Em standing him up. His heart was not in it, so his reaction seemed out of sorts. More like a way to add pages to the story to keep the readers waiting. I was a tad disappointed in him, and I almost didn’t want Lucy to reconcile- yeah, almost.

But in the end, I felt no regret at spending time reading the story. There were way more positive points than negative ones.

Rating system: Cups of Coffee (the less the better)

0: You won’t need any coffee to stay up for this one. It’s intriguing enough all on its own.
1: You’ll stay up late, but not all night. Brew one cup.
2: You’ll read as long as you’re not tired. If you are, two cups should do the trick.
3: I hope you got plenty of rest; you’ll need it, or at least 3 cups.
4: If the cable goes out, read the book. It’s better than nothing, I guess. Oh, don’t forget your brew!
5: Find anything else to do- it doesn’t matter what it is. Don’t waste your coffee. Too much caffeine is bad for you.

My rating: 2 cup of coffee

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