Book Blitz: Azzy by Mobi D’Ark


Publisher: Martin Andrew Bower (November 16, 2015)

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Amazon – Mobi D’Ark

“Azzy” is the first of six novels in a series dedicated to “The six wives of Mobi D’Ark”.

The novels are based on the life and times of a heavy drinking, much wedded and much-travelled English adventurer, who caroused and debauched his way across four continents, making and losing several fortunes along the way.

Mobi married his first wife in 1970, and his last wife, forty-four years later, in 2014.

In this, the first novel of the series, it is 1969 and the young adventurer flees from his new life in North America and decides to take a job working for the oil industry in West Africa. It is a time when Nigeria was still adjusting to its post-colonial era and is in the throes of a bloody civil war.

Nigeria is Mobi’s home for the next two and half years and this is where he belatedly experiences his sexual awakening and has many erotic adventures, before – and after – meeting the sensuous, hot-blooded, volatile Azzy, a gorgeous young black girl from the bars of Lagos.

They set up home in the war-ravaged, ‘wild west’ town of Port Harcourt, and during the next two years, the couple have a stormy relationship which leads to many hair-raising adventures, and unexpected consequences.

“Azzy” is a tale of whimsy, sex, drama, violence, black magic and cliff-hanging adventures.

Mobi’s sexual awakening, his brushes with African Juju and his skirmishes with the out of control military are all graphically described in a tale which the reader will find hard to put down.



In August 1969, Mobi – a young Englishman – flees his new life in North America and flies out to war-torn Nigeria to take up a position with an American oil company.

He finds himself in a strange alien world, which is tearing itself apart in a brutal civil war, and where the rule of law is arbitrarily and violently meted out by the semi-literate and frequently drunken military forces.

Mobi is still a virgin, but his sexual awakening soon commences after he is introduced to the Lagos nightclubs. He makes up for lost time and has a number of erotic and riotous adventures, which include being briefly jailed on suspicion of killing a prostitute. He then meets and subsequently marries the sensuous, hot-blooded, highly volatile Azzy, a gorgeous black girl from the Lagos slums.

The cessation of war hostilities means Mobi has to move to Port Harcourt and his road journey through the devastated ex-Biafran territory, where bridges have been destroyed and bodies litter the roads, is packed with hair-raising incidents.

The newly married couple set up home in an abandoned house in the war-ravaged, ‘wild west’ town, and during the next two years, they have a stormy relationship resulting in many extraordinary adventures.

Azzy’s abusive, drunken behaviour starts to spiral out of control and he takes her to England with his seven-month-old daughter in an effort to resolve his beleaguered marriage. This leads to an unexpected turn of events, including his wife being committed to a mental hospital.

He returns alone to Nigeria. His close friendship with a military officer leads him into yet more danger when the heady mix of sex and alcohol results in the two friends becoming bitter enemies. This, together with his drinking problem, results him having to resign his post in Nigeria.

Back in England, Mobi’s search for Azzy leads him to the Nigerian community in London before he tracks her down in a Soho bar. He realises that his marriage is over and he is free to resume his overseas adventures.

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